Sternard Chituvumbwa is 37 years old and lives in Dowa District, rural Malawi. Sternard is married and has 6 children. He has a leg disability as a result of a polio infection. Sternard used to make and sell mats and would make only 15000mk per month. He took part in the tailoring training at KODO, graduating in September 2021. As well as tailoring, Sternard took part in business, gender awareness, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When he finished training, Sternard was given a sewing machine, some materials and a solar panel. He started his tailoring business outside his home and is selling on average 6 dresses per week. He is making 80,000mk per month from his business. He has been able to buy goats and chickens and is maintaining his house. He is able to send two of his children to nursery and is able to afford the school funds and uniforms for his older children. He has taught his oldest son tailoring and is saving money so that he can buy another sewing machine. Sternard aims to build a better house for his family.
Sternard Chituvumbwa
“Unlike before, I don’t have many problems with day-to-day life. At least now I can live day to day and provide for the needs of my family.” – Sternard Chituvumbwa