Melifa Feston

Melifa Feston is 33 years old. She is single and has 2 children. Melifa has a disability of the leg and back. She previously did not work and was dependent on her parents. Her farther is a tailor, so Melifa had some tailoring skills. She took part in the tailoring training at KODO, graduating in September 2021. As well as tailoring, Melifa took part in business, gender awareness, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When she finished training, Melifa was given a sewing machine, some materials and a solar panel. She joined her father’s tailoring business outside their home and is selling on average 5 dresses per week and is making 40000mk per month from her business. She has taken on a tailoring student, who is paying her for her teaching. She is also making some money using her solar panel to charge phones. Melifa has been able to buy goats and chickens and is contributing to the whole families’ day to day needs. She is saving money to be able to build a house for her and her children.

“I am thankful for having been told about KODO. I used to depend on my father – now I can look after myself.” – Melifa Feston