Lucy Chiphirwra

Lucy Chiphirwra is 24 years old. She is now married. Lucy has a hearing impairment. She previously gardened in other people’s fields, making 20,000mk per month. She used to have to ask for assistance from relatives. Lucy took part in the tailoring training at KODO, graduating in March 2021. As well as tailoring, Lucy took part in business, gender awareness, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When she finished training, Lucy was given a sewing machine, some materials and a solar panel. She started her tailoring business outside her home and is selling on average 11 dresses per week and is making 55000mk per month from her tailoring business. She is also making 20000mk per month from using her solar panel to charge phones in her village. Lucy has been able to buy chickens, kitchen utensils and bedding. She is teaching her brother tailoring and has plans to buy another machine. Lucy met her husband, a fellow trainee, during training at KODO.

“My life is changed. I am able to do everything without depending on relatives. My community see me differently now. I feel great. I always wanted to be a tailor.” – Lucy Chiphirwra