Louise Harrison

Louise Harrison is 43 years old, is single and has 3 children. She has kyphoscoliosis. She used to make 10,000mk from piece work, struggling to feed her family. She took part in MACOHA’s tailoring training in Nkhotakota, graduating in March 2022. As well as learning how to make cane furniture, Louise took part in business, gender awareness, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When she finished training, she was given cane furniture tools, some materials and a solar panel. She now runs her cane furniture business outside her house and is selling chairs, tables and stools. She is now making 70,000mk from her cane furniture business. Louise is also using her solar panel to charge phones, making an additional 20,000mk per month. The family have enough to eat and she has been able to buy a goat and 2 chickens. Louise is saving money to pay for secondary school fees for her children and iron sheets for her house.

“The community now see me as successful”. – Louise Harrison