Modesta Makhaza

Modesta Makhaza is 21 years old and she lives in Phalula village, Ntcheu District. Modesta has a hearing impairment and cleft lip. She used to be very poor, only making 1000mk per month from odd jobs and she was dependent upon her father. She took part in the tailoring training in Ntchue, learning to sew and sell clothes. When Modesta finished her training, she was provided with a sewing machine, some materials and a solar panel. Modesta is now a skilled tailor, providing tailoring services for the whole village. She makes 25,000mk per month from her tailoring business and an additional 10,000mk from charging phones. Modesta now supports her parents. She has bought shoes and household goods, a pig and says she is financially independent. Her parents are very proud. She is saving money towards building her own house. Modesta and her family have made organic manure and have had a good yield, teaching others in the process. Modesta is now very happy and grateful for the assistance she received.