Levison Masina is 31 years old and lives in Dzoole village in rural Ntcheu district. Levison is married and has 2 children. He suffers from monoplegia which affects his legs. Levison used to do piece work, only making 5000mk (or £5 per month). He was accepted to take part in the MACOHA carpentry training in Ntcheu in 2021. He received 12 months training in carpentry, business training, reproductive health, gender awareness, HIV+AIDS prevention training as well as learning how to produce organic manure. When Levison graduated from training he was provided with a carpentry start up kit, some materials and a solar panel. Levison’s new carpentry business is going well, despite having competition in the area from other carpenters. Levison feels that he gets custom because of the high quality of his produce. Levison makes 70,000 mk per month from his business and is able to support his family with their day-to-day needs. He has been able to buy bricks and build a new kitchen, buy a tv and goats. He has also saved 65,000mk and is hoping to buy some land and further renovate his house. He produces organic manure and has taught 10 neighbors how to do the same.