John Kalimesi is 36 years old and he lives in Salima District. John has a physical disability as a result of polio. He is unmarried and used to live with his parents. John used to make 10,000mk a month (or £10) from doing piece work. He took part in the tailoring programme at KODO, graduating in September 2020. As well as being taught tailoring, John undertook training in business, reproductive health, gender awareness, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When John finished training at KODO, he was provided with a singer sewing machine, some materials and a solar panel. John now rents a shop in Salima town, where he is running a business as a tailor. He is making an income of around 70,000mk per month. He has been able to build a better house for his parents with iron sheets. He has also been to buy goats, labour to farm his land and another sewing machine. He is saving money and is looking to train another tailor to work alongside him in his business.