Jacob Patrick

Jacob Patrick is 26 years old and lives in Dowa District, rural Malawi. He is now married. Jacob has a disability of the hand and leg. He used to live with his parents, making a small amount of money (20,000mk per month) doing piece work and farming. He took part in the cane furniture training at KODO, graduating in March 2021. As well as being taught how to make good quality cane furniture, Jacob undertook training in business, reproductive health, gender awareness, HIV and AIDS prevention and organic manure production training. When Jacob finished training at KODO, he was provided with cane furniture tools, some materials and a solar panel. He started his cane furniture business at a different location away from the main road, but has since started working together with a fellow graduate from KODO close to the main road. He is now making 200,000mk per month on average from his cane furniture business. He also makes some money charging phones with his solar panel. Jacob has been able to build 2 new houses (one for his parents), has rented land and is paying for labour to plant rice. He has bought chickens and mattresses and is saving money. Patrick has made organic manure and has taught others how to do the same. The largest impact of the training on Patrick’s life however, has been meeting his now wife at KODO, a fellow trainee.

Patrick is now working towards purchasing iron sheets for the roofs of his houses.